The Creator's School of Midwifery was established in 2023 by Midwife Camille Grant, a passionate and dedicated Hebrew midwife with a vision to empower and serve her community. Recognizing the unique needs and cultural sensitivities of the marginalized population, Midwife Grant saw the necessity for a specialized institution that could provide safe, comprehensive, and biblical-based training for midwives within this community.

The school's inception was rooted in the belief that childbirth is a sacred, spiritual, and transformative experience, and the Creator's School of Midwifery was prayed on from a desire to ensure that every member of the underserved communities could access compassionate, culturally sensitive, skilled and spiritual midwifery care.

Midwife Camille Grant's commitment to promoting the well-being of mothers and infants, coupled with a deep understanding of cultural understanding, laid the foundation for this community-based program. The school has since evolved into a legacy of education for aspiring midwives of color, fostering a tradition of excellence in maternal and infant care within our community.

At CSM, we envision a future where every childbirth is embraced as a sacred and spiritual event supported by TMH and skilled Community Midwives.




© 2023-2024 The Creator's School of Midwifery. All rights reserved.